Hi everyone, here is a list of upcoming events for June. Drums / Rattles / Smudging June 1, noon to 4 pm Using Drums and Rattles in your healing practice and clearing the energy with different types of herbs. For more … [Read more...]
Happy Spring!
Hello folk, Happy Spring! As the days are getting warmer, the beautiful flowers are peeking out of the mother and the trees are waking up. Each and every day the different birds are coming back and singing their songs. … [Read more...]
Upcoming Events for Autumn 2018
New Moon Crystal Bowl Meditation w/ the Sacred Dream Circles November 7th @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm We will be holding a sound bath with the crystal Bowls, Ocean Drums, light drumming in the room with the 21 Sacred Dream … [Read more...]
Upcoming Events this September
Hi everybody, here is a list of upcoming events for September, 2018. For the full calendar please visit my events page. Pow Wow Sept 8 & 9 @ Brown's Farm in East Greenbush, NY For details click HERE. New Moon … [Read more...]
An Explanation on Bone Readings
In this short video I explain how to do a bone readings. I will be at my new place, "Astral Journeys Center" soon (check event calendar for details)... “I ASSIST PEOPLE IN BECOMING AWARE OF THEIR LIFE JOURNEYS.” I … [Read more...]