One-Day Drum Making Workshop

Zelda's 863 Maple Hill Road, Castleton-On-Hudson, NY, United States

In this workshop, you will create a 16″ drum and Drum Stick from start to finish. You may choose from buffalo, elk, or deer skin. You paint your rim, then choose the skin for your drum head. You will learn to intuitively select the section of the skin to cut for it. Includes: 16″ drum, […]

Crystal Bowl and Drum Meditation

Zelda's 863 Maple Hill Road, Castleton-On-Hudson, NY, United States

Experience the transformative power of the Sacred Dream Circles and their thousands of crystals as I guide you through a profound Guided Meditation. These sacred circles have the remarkable ability to resonate with people from all walks of life, ethnic backgrounds, religions, and spiritualities. Immerse yourself in their presence and discover the boundless joy and […]

Healing With Drums, Rattles, and Animal Helpers

Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health 57 Interlaken Road, Stockbridge, MA, United States

JOURNEY WITH YOUR GUIDES Join spirit guided healer, Zelda Hotaling, for a meditation journey in which you will connect with animal helpers. Zelda uses various animal materials on rattles and drums to produce distinct vibrations. By calling upon these different medicines, we invite the animals to support us and offer us their unique guidance. As these […]